Supporting you, loving you and being kind to you.
Because the Universe is asking for it.
So, dear my friends if you want to lose a few pounds or kilograms
is giving you this FAB post to follow.
Please love yourself enough to try it.
As soon as you wake up…
Warm Homemade Lemonade
1 cup warm water
juice of one organic lemon
Mix the juice of one organic lemon and warm water.
Drink this as soon as you wake up. (before breakfast)
During the day
Drink the sun or blue water.
Trust me, it works.
Check the link Drink the SUN!
During the day part 2
I know you want to lose 11 lbs in 6 days.
And this is HOW – make this fabulous soup.
MINESTRONE SOUP – Soup off 11 lbs in 6 days

During the day part 3
”Parsley is a miracle! It helps you drop the pounds. ”
Check the link – A Magic Brew
Before you go to sleep
Turmeric Expresso – Superman you Must Try
The link is below.
Superman Turmeric Expresso to lose weight

So, dear my readers you know what to do.
5 star cookies is giving you 5 FAB ideas for your FAB body.
Be kind to yourself and do it.
Love and hugs from your favorite food blog
What is coming?
Little devil is going to make Brownie Genius Oreo Cups!
Stay FAB and love everyone that cross your path!