You know you always wanted to visit the luxury hotels or to be more specific you wanted to visit one and the only….The hotel Ritz in Paris…And you dream about it…
Very often you go to this web site My Dream and you keep thinking “If and when I win 6/49”!
Until then…what do you do until then?
Well, first of all let’s hope you are a stable person connected to reality and you know that little dreams come true every day.
Like now, when you are in Walmart, shopping and you notice the Ritz Crackers. Of course, you buy them. ( you don’t pay attention to second word crackers…the important part is Ritz)
Then you come home and you start on your little dream coming true…like Rolo Stuffed Ritz Cookies.
So, what do you need?
Ritz Crackers (20 pcs)
Rolo Chocolate (10 pcs)

You line up your crackers, top them with Rolos, bake at 350 F for about 3 to 5 min.

Top with another Ritz and you are done….or you can keep dreaming.
Add 1/2 tsp Oreo Spread and add little Ritz on top …you can find recipe for the Oreo Spread using
the following link Oreo Spread

Glue them together…forever and forever…

Cover with chocolate…every part of it…

or just partially ….

And you have it …your dreams in 10 minutes!
Rich and Poor - Rolo Rich Ritz Cookies
And keep your dreams close to you…never forget them!

and keep working on them…life will happen…Be optimistic!

Love and hugs
from your favorite blog
5 star cookies!
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