Hello my dear readers,
I wanted to write this post for a very long time.
Or to be exact since February 25th.

Because Megyn Kelly sent the following tweet:
” Umm … there was a problem getting the shells off… “

At that “AHA” moment I realized people need to know simple things:
Like how to boil eggs or how to get the shells off.
And yes, I know Megyn is wrapped in a magical shell of 69 millions and she can hired any help she wants to.
But she does not. She wants to do it.
So, from there my mind went flying to average Joe and this post was born.
(If you are asking me, why not Jane, sorry I like to slave men…in the kitchen.)

Now, let me continue with your average Joe questions:
How to boil eggs?
How to get the shells off?
How to make deviled Barbie eggs?
So, let’s do it baking nation.

Shopping List
- Organic eggs (large)
- Ricotta cheese
- Feta cheese
- Sour cream (14% or 18%)
- Carrots
Now, let’s start with first question:
How to boil eggs?

Before we start important tips:
- Use older eggs! Fresh eggs are harder to peel.
- Use organic eggs
- Bring eggs to room temperature before you boiled them.
If you don’t have a few hours available and you need to bring eggs to the room temperature quickly
use the following method:
Put eggs in a bowl of very warm water.
Wait 5 to 7 minutes and you have room temperature eggs.
Place eggs in a medium size saucepan and add 1 TBSP white vinegar.
Cover them with cool water.
Bring eggs to rolling boil over high heat.
When the water has reached a boil, set the timer for 12 minutes.
Important: Boil the eggs for 12 at medium heat.
If you really like hard, hard boiled eggs set your timer for 15 minutes.
After 12 minutes or your ideal time, remove the saucepan from the heat and let the eggs rest for 10 minutes.
Then drain the hot water and run cold water over eggs until cooled.
AVERAGE JOE: How to remove shells from hard boiled eggs?
Removing the shells is easy work as long as you follow a few simple tricks.
If your eggs are cooled, remove them from water.
Dry them using a paper towel.
Take your first egg and tap each end on your counter top, to crack the shell.
After that the egg will be easy to peel. Trust me.
Please, be patient with this process. It is super easy, just don’t rush.
AVERAGE JOE: How to make Deviled Barbie Eggs?
Deviled Barbie Eggs

5 hard boiled eggs
1 1/2 cups ricotta cheese
1/4 cup feta cheese
1/8 cup sour cream
1 medium size carrot, grated
salt and pepper to taste
5 egg yolks
Italian parsley
Optional: minced garlic
Prepare the filling: Combine ricotta cheese, feta cheese and sour cream.
Add grated carrot, salt and pepper. Set aside for a moment.
Cut eggs in half lengthwise.
Remove yolks and place them in a small bowls.
Arrange the egg white halves on a serving plate.
Using a spoon or ice cream scoop add the filling into the egg whites halves.
Decorate with Italian parsley, minced garlic and egg yolks pieces.

Enjoy and share.
To print this recipe, please check the box below.

Deviled Barbie Eggs
Simple recipe, perfect for family gathering, Easter or just any day of the week.
Enjoy and share Deviled Barbie Eggs from 5starcookies.com with Meghan Kelly, all your family and friends.
- 5 hard boiled eggs
- 1 1/2 cups ricotta cheese
- 1/4 cup feta cheese
- 1/8 cup sour cream
- 1 medium size carrot, grated
- 5 egg yolks
- Italian parsley
- salt and pepper to taste
- Optional: minced garlic
- Prepare the filling: Combine ricotta cheese, feta cheese and sour cream.
- Add grated carrot, salt and pepper. Set aside for a moment.
- Cut eggs in half lengthwise.
- Remove yolks and place them in a small bowls.
- Arrange the egg white halves on a serving plate.
- Using a spoon or ice cream scoop add the filling into the egg whites halves.
- Decorate with Italian parsley, minced garlic and egg yolks pieces.
- Enjoy and share.
Nutrition Information:
Yield: 4 Serving Size: 1 gramsAmount Per Serving: Unsaturated Fat: 0g
Don’t forget:

If you want to print instructions “How to boil eggs?” check the box below.
Also, it includes to remove shells from hard boiled eggs.
How to boil eggs
Learn how to boil eggs and remove shells?
- How to boil eggs?
- Place eggs in a medium size saucepan and add 1 TBSP white vinegar.
- Cover them with cool water.
- Bring eggs to rolling boil over high heat.
- When the water has reached a boil, set the timer for 12 minutes.
- Important: Boil the eggs for 12 at medium heat.
- If you really like hard, hard boiled eggs set your timer for 15 minutes.
- After 12 minutes or your ideal time, remove the saucepan from the heat and let the eggs rest for 10 minutes.
- Then drain the hot water and run cold water over eggs until cooled.
- AVERAGE JOE: How to remove shells from hard boiled eggs?
- Removing the shells is easy work as long as you follow a few simple tricks.
- If your eggs are cooled, remove them from water.
- Dry them using a paper towel.
- Take your first egg and tap each end on your counter top, to crack the shell.
- After that the egg will be easy to peel. Trust me.
- Please, be patient with this process. It is super easy, just don't rush.
Before we start important tips:
-Use older eggs! Fresh eggs are harder to peel.
-Use organic eggs
-Bring eggs to room temperature before you boiled them.
If you don't have a few hours available and you need to bring eggs to the room temperature quickly
use the following method:
Put eggs in a bowl of very warm water.
Wait 5 to 7 minutes and you have room temperature eggs.
Nutrition Information:
Serving Size: 1 gramsAmount Per Serving: Unsaturated Fat: 0g

Now you know how to boil eggs, peel the shells and make the best Deviled Barbie Eggs.
Cloud Eggs-Cloud Technology in Food Industry
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Cloud Eggs

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-Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, our favorite royal couple have officially moved out of their Kensington Palace home and
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-Megyn Kelly is still looking for job. If I have to guess where she will go….
My guess is … CBS.
Let’s see . Until then…enjoy Deviled Barbie Eggs

Thank you for visiting 5starcookies.com
Love and hugs
from your
See you soon…