I always, always loved coffee.
Since forever.
Can you imagine 2 year old or 5 year old child drinking strong, black coffee?
Yes, ladies and gentlemen that was all “ME” and “I”.
If you are thinking about calling social services, it is too late.
I am older now and I have no problem with my past.
As a matter of fact I loved it.
I loved everything about my dark, roasted coffee life that was part of my childhood.
And my favorite sentence was always:
-Grandma will make you coffee. Stop crying.
And I did.
However this “little coffee life” was the secret to my parents.
Until the day.
The day that they discover my coffee addiction.
And what can I say?
Coffee cups were flying and I was crying and nobody did say:
“Grandma will make you coffee. Stop crying.”
Also that was the day that I had to do my first negotiation with all adults who wanted me to follow the rules.
Since that day I was drinking “white coffee”.
A lots of milk and a very little coffee (100:1)
And for some reason, all of sudden last week I remember that part of my life.
Maybe because the Oreo chocolate chip cookies and brownies were staring into my face.
And laughing.
I am not sure why?
They know adults and rules suck.
And maybe because of that they send me this secret code that only my crazy, creative mind can hear.

And from that this recipe was born.
Chocolate Chip White Coffee Drink
So, let’s make it happen.
Shopping List
- chocolate chip cookies
- brownies
- hot brewed coffee
- milk
- Blender
Action Time
Chocolate Chip White Coffee Drink

1 cup milk
1/3 cup hot brewed coffee
1 cup of chocolate chip cookies and brownies crumbs
Add 1 cup of crumbs into the blender.
Pour in 1/3 cup of very hot coffee.
Let the crumbs and coffee blend together.
Add 1 cup milk and blend all ingredients until smooth and thick.
Pour into the FAB glasses and serve.

Decorate with cookies, whip cream, chocolate, M&M and anything else adults can be against.

To print this recipe, please check the box below.
Enjoy and share. If you are a coffee addict who loves chocolate chip cookies and brownies this is your recipe. And you are welcome.
Chocolate Chip White Coffee Drink

Thank you for visiting FAB food blog, your www.5starcookies.com
Love and hugs
your Cookie

See you soon….