Whaaat? Parsley suppose to help you drop the pounds? Is that true?
I want to believe in miracle and one of my favorite quote is “Always believe that something wonderful will happen”.
So, I went to the local organic store and as soon as my eyes caught him I whisper:
“Hello my Italian lover known to the world as the Italian parsley.I am going to test you and drink you because I want to lose 5 lbs.”
So, I paid for my lover (only $2.99) and I brought him to my home. Soon I will be ready for my vicious testing….

On a serious note are there any benefits of parsley other than to lose a few pounds ?
Parsley contains high amounts of potassium and vitamin A, calcium, vitamin C and phosphorus.
It is an excellent ally in the fight against urinary problems, kidney disease, a strong diuretic and very rich source of cancer-fighting antioxidants.
So spending $2.99 was well wort it. Don’t you think?
My recipe is the following:
Boil 4 cups of water.(1L)

Add 5 TBSP parsley

Let steep for 20 min.
You can drink with chopped parsley or strain the tea.

You can drink it in any day except late at night (you don’t want to go at night to urinate)
Do not drink more than a 4 cups per day.

It’s very useful and effective in fighting all types of kidney diseases and urinary tract problems. It removes and eliminates all harmful bacteria, toxins and other harmful substances from the organism – through the urine.
A Magic Brew - My Italian Lover as the Parsley Tea
I will report back to you next Monday….if the Magic Brew is really the magic
Love and hugs from me and my Italian Parsley Lover!
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